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How to accept tickets
Quick Guide

If you are the listed registrant of a domain that is hosted with and you want to transfer your domain to or away from, you will need to accept the update ticket. does not accept any transfer tickets for any domain as it is the responsibility of the listed registrant to accept the transfer tickets in accordance with their wishes.

To determine if you are the listed registrant of the domain name, please query the WHOIS server, that is located at the following URL:

Please pay attention to the following information:

2a. registrant             : 
2b. registrantpostaladdress: 
2c. registrantstreetaddress: 
2j. registrantphone        : 
2k. registrantfax          : 
2l. registrantemail        : 
If you are the listed registrant, according to 2a and the listed email address, in 2l, is correct, you will receive a "COZA Ticket" as and email in the email address, listed in 2l.

In the email, there will be a line containting the phrase: "MAGIC COOKIE". You must reply to the email, in text only format. Remove the word "Deny" from the "MAGIC COOKIE" line and send the email back to the sender.

All the above must happen within 24 hours after receiving the "COZA Ticket".

All the above information is also explained in the email you will receive.

If your email address listed in 2l, is no longer valid, all is not lost. You will now have to follow the Manual Update procedure. The manual update procedure is explained at the following URL: